Sunday Bible Studies

Education Director: Mike Harris

We have Sunday Morning Bible Study (Sunday School) Classes for all ages at 8:30, 9:30 and 11:00am.

8:30 - 9:30 a.m.

Pastor 's Class:  The doctrines and beliefs of First Baptist Church.  Taught by Pastor Morley

Basic Bible Study: A class focused on applying Biblical truth to our daily lives. Taught by Aaron Rushing

Growing In Grace Women's Bible Study. Going through the Bible in a year. Participation in class is encouraged with an emphasis on reading your Bible at home during the week.  Taught by  Lori Stephens


9:30 - 10:30 a.m. Children and Youth

Birth to 2 years old                                       Nursery

2 / 3s                                                           Room 9                                                                            

Pre K (4,5)                                                    Room 2                    

1st & 2nd grades                                            Room 2                    

3rd & 4th grades                                             Modular 17              

5th & 6th grade                                               Room 4


Youth Group:  Grades 7 through 12.  Bible study, fellowship and monthly activities.  Taught by Leanna and JD Costell

Adult Sunday School Classes 9:30 a.m.

Christian Perspectives:  Studying various scripture and present day Biblical concerns.  Taught by Jim and Marsha Parrish

Couples II:  We use the Lifeway Adults study material for each quarter.  WE don't just follow the book we DIG into it.  Why: What may they have been thinking questions.  Taught by Paul Chapman

Family Focus :  This class is made up of families with children ages birth to young adult.  We study books of the Bible as well as topics relevant to families.  Taught by Jack Stephens

Divine Koinonia:  We are open to all ages and are a diverse collection of believers who seek to open the Bible each week to gain understanding, insight and direction from God to apply to our daily lives.